I hope you don't get any false hope or wrong idea that there is easy
money or plenty of demand out there for Bengali Interpreters.
Yes, there is some demand but it certainly is not easy money.
I say this because recently some of the readers of this blog have
contacted me asking for Bengali Interpreting jobs.I do not own any
agency, I was just giving some tips to fellow or would be interpreters.
And it is also true that some agencies asked me to refer female
interpreters.And I am always happy to help fellow Bengali Interpreters
if it is within my capacity to do so.
I have referred those of you who contacted me,and I hope you are happy.
One of you actually sent me a message thanking me.That's good.That
gives me real satisfaction that I have been able to help someone.
(WHAT HAPPENED TO THE OTHERS ? Even if you decided that you were not going
to pursue it any further, it would have been nice to let me know.)
Like any other business if you want to come into this profession
looking to earn a lot of money very quickly; you are obviously
mistaken.Can I repeat the age old mantra that 'There really is no such thing
as a Free Lunch'? You really have to be very patient.
And you have to put in a lot of effort and time into it.
You need to get some qualification in this field before you can even start.
Otherwise it won't be right.Does that make sense ? I hope it does.
Otherwise everybody would be (well, almost everybody)interpreters.
Even after you get some qualification, you need a lot of practice and
you need to gain experience.You will make some mistakes.But the important
thing is you need to reflect upon those mistakes and take action to improve
your skills.
You also need to refersh your skills and techniques by attending regular
training sessions.( some of the good agencies arrange these trainings)
I started this blog so that we interpreters could help each other.Like
I have given some tips , others could have given their own tips.that way we
all would have benefited.Mind you, I do not say that no one has helped me.
Few people have indeed helped me(though not through this blog) and I am grateful to