Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Recent Developments in the field of Interpreting

Are you looking for a qualified and experienced Bengali / Sylheti
Interpreter? An Interpreter with thousands of hours of experience
working at Courts, Police Stations, Solicitors' offices, Hospitals,
Prisons, Probation service, Home office, Film makers etc ?Interpreter
with very flexible attitude, willing to travel and accept jobs at short
notice and whose rates are very reasonable ? Then contact me Mohammad
Choudhury on 07832371577 or email me at mognichoudhury@yahoo.com
A lot of things are going on in the field of interpreting at the moment.On the one hand the recession is taking it's effect.The government is cutting down in different fields and in my opinion rightly so.Because as a nation we simply can not afford to go on spending the money we do not have.Some of you may have different views on this.But that is what I believe. And its not that I won't be affected by it. Definitely I will. But still I think that if we all share a bit of the pain for the benefit of the country, ultimately it will benefit all of us.

On the other hand I have heard some news about some other changes taking place in the North/ North West England.Apparently some police forces have given out their contract for the interpreting service to an agency. I do not know how much or what sort of effect it will have on the interpreters. If you live in that part of the country and want to share your views or experience, I would be interested to know.
One thing I have a strong view about is that the properly qualified (i.e DPSI) interpretrs' rights should be protected.There was a national agreement in 2007 about the criminal justice system only using qualified interpreters from the NRPSI register.But what I have been hearing lately is that that agreement is not being strictly followed. I know that lot of NRPSI registered interpretrs are not happy about it and that includes me too. I would be interested to hear your views about it.

Also there is a forum(but it is only open to interpreters on the NRPSI register)now for the interpreters.If you want to have a feel about the current hot topics in the field, you could visit the forum.
Another thing that is happening is because of the recession a lot of people are trying their luck in this field believing it to be recession free.I personally do not think our field is completely recession free. And the other thing is as I have mentioned before, just because somebody speaks two languages, that does not make them an interpreter. There is more to it. And I still notice unprofessional behaviour of the interpreters in the course of my work. That only vindicates my point of gaining a professional qualification before starting out in the field and if those people are 'qualified' that again proves my arguement that it is not an 'easy' profession.
Please do not get me wrong. I have a lot of sympathy for the people suffering due to the present economic climate.That's why I have started a blog on 'self development'. You will find a lot of helpful tips and helpful information on the blog. You can take a look by clicking on the link 'view my complete profile' and then visiting the blog. Why don't you give it a go?

Sunday, 21 March 2010

A New Angle

Are you looking for a qualified and experienced Bengali / Sylheti
Interpreter ? An Interpreter with thousands of hours of experience
working at Courts, Police Stations, Solicitors' offices, Hospitals,
Prisons, Probation office,Home office, Film makers etc ?Interpreter
with very flexible attitude,willing to travel and accept jobs at short
notice and whose rates are very reasonable ? Then contact me Mohammad
Choudhury on 07832371577 or email me at mognichoudhury@yahoo.com
You can tell from my long period of absence from these pages that I have been quite busy.Yes, again the last few weeks have been very interesting !I feel tempted to tell you the stories but I have to be careful to protect the privacy of the people I have interpreted for.But I have to say that this is the most enjoyable work I have ever done in my life.I am a late starter in this field really.I should have started ages ago !It would have been much more interesting and richer !( I mean experience wise; not financially.)

One advantage of writing this blog is that apart from the interpreting work, I also get in contact with people who want to be interpretrs themselves and ask for advice,guidance etc. Some just like my writing style and phone me just to show their appreciation. I personally do not think there is anything special about my writing style at all.I just write in the very simplest form.So I am grateful to those readers who have expressed their appreciation.If for nothing else, it is worthwhile writing these posts just for those readers.I take my hat off to you guys.

I want to add a different angle to the interpreting job market today. It is no great secret any more that China is a great trading power in today's world.And their trade and influence is going to increase even more.Whether you think in terms of trade between Bangladesh and China or trade between English speaking countries and China. And China is also increasingly a growing tourist destination. So what does that mean? Do you spot an opportunity here? If you can speak Chinese or want to learn it do you see the potential here? You will be in demand. I wish I was few years younger! I would certainly give it a go then !
I am not just speculating here either. I have seen ad for Chinese- Bengali interpreters.So you have got the proof ! Intrigued? Why don't you give it a go?

I just want to add abit of legal disclaimer though.My posts here are only for information purposes.I am not giving you any career advice or offering any guarantee of employment.So there is no contract between you and I of any job offer or any financial matter.You should take legal or professional advice before you invest in any courses etc. and you do so at your own risk and assume your own responsibility.

Monday, 1 February 2010

Recent vacancies for Bengali Interpreters

Recently there have been quite a few opportunities available for new or
would be interpreters.Just today one agency has advertised for interpreters
based in Scotland.I know there are very few Bengali interpreters in Scotland.
So if you are based in Scotland, this is a great opportunity for you.

Couple of weeks ago, one of the Police forces in Yorkshire advertised for Bengali
(as well as other language )interpreters. The best thing about that opportunity
was that they would give you the training as well( I think they were paying the course fee).When I did the course, I paid my hard earned money for that. So again,
if you are based in Yorkshire, this is an excellent opportunity for you.You would gain the DPSI or Met Police Interpreters' qualification and so you would be accepted on the NRPSI register.So on top of the Police jobs, you would also get asked for other jobs(like court assignments all over the country).These opportunities are too good to miss in my opinion.If you had your eyes and ears open and you managed to secure a place for yourself on any of the above, congratulations !Perhaps you would want to share your story on these pages.I would be quite happy to let you tell others about your success.
I came across two more interpreting vacancies last month.One was a salaried position for a Bengali Interpreter in the Bristol area.The other one was in Northern Ireland.Again, if you have been lucky/smart enough to secure a place, congratulations ! On the other hand, if you missed these chances, I would say, don't worry too much.No point regreting for the past.But be prepared in future.Keep your eyes and ears open.Be creative.Use your imagination.And I wish you best of luck.
