Are you looking for a qualified and experienced Bengali / Sylheti
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Interpreters have been in the news lately.The most interesting one that caught my eyes was that of the Libyan leader Col. Gaddafi's Arabic Interpreter.You must have heard the story of Mr. Gaddafi's very long statement at the United Nations.
I want to mention first that I am not making any kind of political statement here.Nothing for or against Mr. Gaddafi either.I am merely mentioning the story just because I found it interesting and because it was reported in the media and was highlighted a lot.
The story goes like this : Though the United Nations has it's own pool of expert Arabic Interpreters, Mr. Gaddafi insisted on using his own interpreter.Now what happened is this : since he went on for so long, the poor interpreter cried out at the 90th minute saying ' I can't take it any more' !
And the UN's Interpreter had to take over.It went smoothly thereafter though.The point is this : apparently there is provision at the UN for interpreters to have a break every 40 minutes.So the interpreter who broke down did so because they had been carrying on for 90 minutes without break.
When I have been in courts and the sessions have been long, the judges have always been very considerate. they have always offered me breaks every so often.
At the beginning I mentioned about interpretrs being in the news. The other news that caught my eyes was that of an Afghan interpreter being shot dead by the American soldiers.In the last few years I have heard/ read about so many interpreters loosing their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan that I feel they deserve a mention here on this blog.
So I hope you would also spare a few moments for those innocent victims of the wars.
How about you ? have you come across any interesting story/ news regarding interpreters ? If so would you like to share the story here ? Feel free to do so by either adding it as a comment or email me the story and if reasonable, I will publish it on the next post.Bye for now.
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