Are you looking for a qualified and experienced Bengali / Sylheti
Interpreter ? An Interpreter with thousands of hours of experience
working at Courts, Police Stations, Solicitors' offices, Hospitals,
Prisons, Probation office,Home office, Film makers etc ?Interpreter
with very flexible attitude,willing to travel and accept jobs at short
notice and whose rates are very reasonable ?
Or do you need to translate a document in Bengali in to English or vice versa
at a short notice?
How about Transcription? Got a recording in Bengali that you want transcribed in to English? You have come to the right place.
Contact me Mohammad Choudhury on 07832371577 or email me at mognichoudhury@yahoo.com
As an interpreter I get to know very intimate details of a person or a family.But of course I am bound by the code of confidentaility.So I can not divulge anything to any third party.But I suppose if I were inclined to write fictions (story or book)these experiences could give me a lot of ideas to create plots for my stories.
Certainly working as an interpreter is a very enriching experience.Life is really very interesting and real life is really more interesting than works of fictions.
Through this blog I also come in to contact with different kinds of people.Today I want to talk about one particular type that I come into contact with.These people bump into my blog and it intrigues them and they fancy having a go at interpreting. They want to become an interpreter.Nothing wrong with that so far.But problem starts when they think that since they can speak Bengali and English, they can become Bengali interpreters.They ask me to guide them or give them some information or give them some job.
But remember that is not the only criteria to qualify to work as a Bengali Interpreter (or interpreter of any language for that matter). If that was all that was required, then almost everybody would be an interpreter ! Please think a little. You need a bit more than that. You need some qualifications.Now a days any agency you want to work with would ask you for some interpreting qualifications. And courts would not accept you if you do not hold DPSI and/or if you are not NRPSI register.Some interpreters have got into trouble by accepting double booking and sending friends to one of the bookings.What happened, was that the friend could not read Bengali.So when they were asked to read a Bengali document and do a sight translation, they got stuck.Then the truth came out.The friend delegating the work got in to serious trouble.Got prosecuted and sent to prison I believe.So at least you can see that on top of the ability to speak the languages, you also at least need to be able to read them.
And delegating work like that is also against the ethics.There are a whole lot of codes you need to follow.So do not think it is easy or a casual business. It is serious and you need to be prepared and have the right attitudes and qualifications.
Still interested? Good. If you are still reading then you are the right type and I can certainly guide you the right way and give you helpful information. If you are the serious type, I do not mind helping you as much possible.You are welcome to contact me.Drop me line.( you have got my email at the top of this post) or call me.Again my number is displayed at the top.I wish you best of luck.And a very very happy and prosperous new year.
Friday, 25 December 2009
Monday, 30 November 2009
Meeting Other Interpreters
Are you looking for a qualified and experienced Bengali / Sylheti
Interpreter ? An Interpreter with thousands of hours of experience
working at Courts, Police Stations, Solicitors' offices, Hospitals,
Prisons, Probation office,Home office, Film makers etc ?Interpreter
with very flexible attitude,willing to travel and accept jobs at short
notice and whose rates are very reasonable ? Then contact me Mohammad
Choudhury on 07832371577 or email me at mognichoudhury@yahoo.com
Lot of you interested in working as a Bengali/Sylheti interpreter have contacted
me over the last two months.I have given you names of some agencies and told you
about sites where you can register yourselves.I hope that has been helpful.Some of you have just contacted me to say that you enjoy reading my blog.Thank you for the
kind comments.
If I have not been able to call you back that is for two reasons.Either I have been very busy or I lost your contact details.See, if you call me at a time when I am busy, it is not always practical for me to save your phone number.So please do not get me wrong. I am not a snob and I have not ignored you deliberately.That's why I always urge you to contact me via email.That way,I can get back to you when I am less busy and also your contact details are more safely stored.
I am also embarrassed about deleting the email of a person who tried to get me a booking.I was not sure how to respond to it.Because if the person managed to send me the email then how they would need an interpreter for a driving test?If you are that person reading my blog now, I do apologize to you.You can contact me again and I will try to help you.If you have already passed your test, congratulations ! If you are going for your test soon, I wish you best of luck.
Last two months have been very interestting. I have met few excellent interpreters and have learnt from them some new skills.See, there is always something to learn.Again I have been to few places up and down the country.I have been to Scotland and gone past the Lochness (did not see Nessy though!), been to Southampton, Bournemouth,Northampton,Milton Keynes,Different parts of Essex and Hertfordshire, Luton and of course different parts of London.
In the next post I want to talk about some ethical issues and what not to do as an interpreter.Some interpreters are in trouble for doing some wrong things. When you start to work as an interpreter you want to avoid doing those things. Otherwise that gives the whole community a bad reputation and you personally could get into trouble as well.
Are you looking for a qualified and experienced Bengali / Sylheti
Interpreter ? An Interpreter with thousands of hours of experience
working at Courts, Police Stations, Solicitors' offices, Hospitals,
Prisons, Probation office,Home office, Film makers etc ?Interpreter
with very flexible attitude,willing to travel and accept jobs at short
notice and whose rates are very reasonable ? Then contact me Mohammad
Choudhury on 07832371577 or email me at mognichoudhury@yahoo.com
Lot of you interested in working as a Bengali/Sylheti interpreter have contacted
me over the last two months.I have given you names of some agencies and told you
about sites where you can register yourselves.I hope that has been helpful.Some of you have just contacted me to say that you enjoy reading my blog.Thank you for the
kind comments.
If I have not been able to call you back that is for two reasons.Either I have been very busy or I lost your contact details.See, if you call me at a time when I am busy, it is not always practical for me to save your phone number.So please do not get me wrong. I am not a snob and I have not ignored you deliberately.That's why I always urge you to contact me via email.That way,I can get back to you when I am less busy and also your contact details are more safely stored.
I am also embarrassed about deleting the email of a person who tried to get me a booking.I was not sure how to respond to it.Because if the person managed to send me the email then how they would need an interpreter for a driving test?If you are that person reading my blog now, I do apologize to you.You can contact me again and I will try to help you.If you have already passed your test, congratulations ! If you are going for your test soon, I wish you best of luck.
Last two months have been very interestting. I have met few excellent interpreters and have learnt from them some new skills.See, there is always something to learn.Again I have been to few places up and down the country.I have been to Scotland and gone past the Lochness (did not see Nessy though!), been to Southampton, Bournemouth,Northampton,Milton Keynes,Different parts of Essex and Hertfordshire, Luton and of course different parts of London.
In the next post I want to talk about some ethical issues and what not to do as an interpreter.Some interpreters are in trouble for doing some wrong things. When you start to work as an interpreter you want to avoid doing those things. Otherwise that gives the whole community a bad reputation and you personally could get into trouble as well.
Wednesday, 30 September 2009
Lessons For Bengali Interpreters
Are you looking for a qualified and experienced Bengali / Sylheti
Interpreter ? An Interpreter with thousands of hours of experience
working at Courts, Police Stations, Solicitors' offices, Hospitals,
Prisons, Probation office,Home office, Film makers etc ?Interpreter
with very flexible attitude,willing to travel and accept jobs at short
notice and whose rates are very reasonable ? Then contact me Mohammad
Choudhury on 07832371577 or email me at mognichoudhury@yahoo.com
Interpreters have been in the news lately.The most interesting one that caught my eyes was that of the Libyan leader Col. Gaddafi's Arabic Interpreter.You must have heard the story of Mr. Gaddafi's very long statement at the United Nations.
I want to mention first that I am not making any kind of political statement here.Nothing for or against Mr. Gaddafi either.I am merely mentioning the story just because I found it interesting and because it was reported in the media and was highlighted a lot.
The story goes like this : Though the United Nations has it's own pool of expert Arabic Interpreters, Mr. Gaddafi insisted on using his own interpreter.Now what happened is this : since he went on for so long, the poor interpreter cried out at the 90th minute saying ' I can't take it any more' !
And the UN's Interpreter had to take over.It went smoothly thereafter though.The point is this : apparently there is provision at the UN for interpreters to have a break every 40 minutes.So the interpreter who broke down did so because they had been carrying on for 90 minutes without break.
When I have been in courts and the sessions have been long, the judges have always been very considerate. they have always offered me breaks every so often.
At the beginning I mentioned about interpretrs being in the news. The other news that caught my eyes was that of an Afghan interpreter being shot dead by the American soldiers.In the last few years I have heard/ read about so many interpreters loosing their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan that I feel they deserve a mention here on this blog.
So I hope you would also spare a few moments for those innocent victims of the wars.
How about you ? have you come across any interesting story/ news regarding interpreters ? If so would you like to share the story here ? Feel free to do so by either adding it as a comment or email me the story and if reasonable, I will publish it on the next post.Bye for now.
Are you looking for a qualified and experienced Bengali / Sylheti
Interpreter ? An Interpreter with thousands of hours of experience
working at Courts, Police Stations, Solicitors' offices, Hospitals,
Prisons, Probation office,Home office, Film makers etc ?Interpreter
with very flexible attitude,willing to travel and accept jobs at short
notice and whose rates are very reasonable ? Then contact me Mohammad
Choudhury on 07832371577 or email me at mognichoudhury@yahoo.com
Interpreters have been in the news lately.The most interesting one that caught my eyes was that of the Libyan leader Col. Gaddafi's Arabic Interpreter.You must have heard the story of Mr. Gaddafi's very long statement at the United Nations.
I want to mention first that I am not making any kind of political statement here.Nothing for or against Mr. Gaddafi either.I am merely mentioning the story just because I found it interesting and because it was reported in the media and was highlighted a lot.
The story goes like this : Though the United Nations has it's own pool of expert Arabic Interpreters, Mr. Gaddafi insisted on using his own interpreter.Now what happened is this : since he went on for so long, the poor interpreter cried out at the 90th minute saying ' I can't take it any more' !
And the UN's Interpreter had to take over.It went smoothly thereafter though.The point is this : apparently there is provision at the UN for interpreters to have a break every 40 minutes.So the interpreter who broke down did so because they had been carrying on for 90 minutes without break.
When I have been in courts and the sessions have been long, the judges have always been very considerate. they have always offered me breaks every so often.
At the beginning I mentioned about interpretrs being in the news. The other news that caught my eyes was that of an Afghan interpreter being shot dead by the American soldiers.In the last few years I have heard/ read about so many interpreters loosing their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan that I feel they deserve a mention here on this blog.
So I hope you would also spare a few moments for those innocent victims of the wars.
How about you ? have you come across any interesting story/ news regarding interpreters ? If so would you like to share the story here ? Feel free to do so by either adding it as a comment or email me the story and if reasonable, I will publish it on the next post.Bye for now.
Sunday, 6 September 2009
Bengali Interpreting - some more opportunities
Are you looking for a qualified and experienced Bengali / Sylheti
Interpreter ? An Interpreter with thousands of hours of experience
working at Courts, Police Stations, Solicitors' offices, Hospitals,
Prisons, Probation office,Home office, Film makers etc ?Interpreter
with very flexible attitude,willing to travel and accept jobs at short
notice and whose rates are very reasonable ? Then contact me Mohammad
Choudhury on 07832371577 or email me at mognichoudhury@yahoo.com
If you follow this blog regularly or even from time to time, I hope you are
intrigued by some of the stories I have told.Whatever else you think at least
you would agree that interpreting is not a boring profession.Unless ofcourse you work as a salaried interpreter for a certain organisation and it is always the
same kind of interpreting (e.g. medical interpreting; though even there no two
patient would have the exact same illness. Infact I have also done quite a bit of medical interpreting and even that has been very interesting !)
You can also see from my experience that there are so many different areas
you can work in that it can not be boring.You get to meet so many different
people and get to hear so many different stories that it can not be anything else than interesting !
Anyway, today I am going to mention another field of interpreting which would
suit most people and which I should have mentioned long before ! I am sorry that it did not come to my mind sooner but I also blame you guys for not asking me the right questions ! If you were a bit more enthusiastic and a bit more interactive, you could have triggered the thoughts in my mind long time ago.
And interpreters of any language would benefit from this bit of information.Not only the Bengali/Sylheti interpreters but also interpreters of Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, Chinese, Persian, French,German, Arabic, Italian, spanish or whatever language.
The field is of course Telephone Interpreting.There seem to be a lot of work
in that field.I have done some.I was getting calls everyday but could not take
the calls as I was out most of the time.Hence I had to inform the agency that I would be unavailable for the moment.
It would probably suit the ladies more.If you are unable or unwilling to go out
for whatever reason and still want to do a bit of work while staying at home, I think telephone interpreting would be very good.
If you are interested to find out more or need any other information regarding this, you can contact me and then I can give you the right directions.
Are you looking for a qualified and experienced Bengali / Sylheti
Interpreter ? An Interpreter with thousands of hours of experience
working at Courts, Police Stations, Solicitors' offices, Hospitals,
Prisons, Probation office,Home office, Film makers etc ?Interpreter
with very flexible attitude,willing to travel and accept jobs at short
notice and whose rates are very reasonable ? Then contact me Mohammad
Choudhury on 07832371577 or email me at mognichoudhury@yahoo.com
If you follow this blog regularly or even from time to time, I hope you are
intrigued by some of the stories I have told.Whatever else you think at least
you would agree that interpreting is not a boring profession.Unless ofcourse you work as a salaried interpreter for a certain organisation and it is always the
same kind of interpreting (e.g. medical interpreting; though even there no two
patient would have the exact same illness. Infact I have also done quite a bit of medical interpreting and even that has been very interesting !)
You can also see from my experience that there are so many different areas
you can work in that it can not be boring.You get to meet so many different
people and get to hear so many different stories that it can not be anything else than interesting !
Anyway, today I am going to mention another field of interpreting which would
suit most people and which I should have mentioned long before ! I am sorry that it did not come to my mind sooner but I also blame you guys for not asking me the right questions ! If you were a bit more enthusiastic and a bit more interactive, you could have triggered the thoughts in my mind long time ago.
And interpreters of any language would benefit from this bit of information.Not only the Bengali/Sylheti interpreters but also interpreters of Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, Chinese, Persian, French,German, Arabic, Italian, spanish or whatever language.
The field is of course Telephone Interpreting.There seem to be a lot of work
in that field.I have done some.I was getting calls everyday but could not take
the calls as I was out most of the time.Hence I had to inform the agency that I would be unavailable for the moment.
It would probably suit the ladies more.If you are unable or unwilling to go out
for whatever reason and still want to do a bit of work while staying at home, I think telephone interpreting would be very good.
If you are interested to find out more or need any other information regarding this, you can contact me and then I can give you the right directions.
Thursday, 27 August 2009
Interesting Opportunities in Interpreting Field
Are you looking for a qualified and experienced Bengali / Sylheti
Interpreter ? An Interpreter with thousands of hours of experience
working at Courts, Police Stations, Solicitors' offices, Hospitals,
Prisons, Probation office,Home office, Film makers etc ?Interpreter
with very flexible attitude,willing to travel and accept jobs at short
notice and whose rates are very reasonable ? Then contact me Mohammad
Choudhury on 07832371577 or email me at mognichoudhury@yahoo.com
Today I will give the would be interpreters some general idea about
different kinds of Job opportunities that may be available in the
field of Interpreting.
But you must realise that, to be considered for decent work in the
field you really need to pass the DPSI course.I am getting a lot of
querries from people who have done the Community Interpreting level 2
or level 3 course.While I appreciate your hard work and time spent
in completing those courses, you guys should also appreciate the fact
that the higher the qualification, the higher is the opportunity for
work and also the reward is higher.
It saddens me some times when I recieve an email from a would be
interpreter and I find lots of basic mistakes in grammar.I usually
point it out to them in my reply and some of them get very defensive
about it and want to start an arguement.Well I don't have time for
But just think about it for a moment. Imagine You went for an interview for
an accounting job.And you can't add two two digit numbers. What sort
of impression would that create with your potential employer?What
would be your chances of success at that interview?
Or you have gone for a job interview at a school.You are a history
teacher. And you do not know who was king Harold.Would you get that
job?Same thing applies in interpreting as well.
If you think it is an easy job, you are wrong.It's not easy and it's
not a matter of joke.An interpretr's mistake can cause a whole trial
to collapse with serious consequences.It has happened. I am not trying
to scare you off.Just warning you.If you want to enter the field, be
prepared.Be serious.
Just like the above example, wrong interpreting can cause wrong diagnosis
of a patient ; again with serious consequences.
OK, we have a clearer picture now about the preparation and attitude adjustment necessary to enter this interpreting profession.When you are well prepared, there can be lot of interesting openings for you. e.g. apart from usual court, hospital, police, solicitors bookings, I have visited prisons as an interpreter, have
worked with film production companies and worked with their directors in their offices,been to some places I think I shouldn't talk about and so on.
You can also get translation work and even Transcription . I have also been
asked to do voice over job.
Recently I came across a job advertisement by the Government of Hong Kong
for a Bengali Interpreter with a monthly salary of $38000 !Would be nice to get that job, wouldn't it? By the way, I saw it after the closing date, so couldn't even apply !
So are you intrigued ? I love hearing from you guys. So do not stop.Keep on sending the mails.
What about the existing interpreters? Wouldn't you guys like to share some of your experiences / stories ? there must be some interesting stories out there. I am still waiting for you guys to tell us those stories.
Are you looking for a qualified and experienced Bengali / Sylheti
Interpreter ? An Interpreter with thousands of hours of experience
working at Courts, Police Stations, Solicitors' offices, Hospitals,
Prisons, Probation office,Home office, Film makers etc ?Interpreter
with very flexible attitude,willing to travel and accept jobs at short
notice and whose rates are very reasonable ? Then contact me Mohammad
Choudhury on 07832371577 or email me at mognichoudhury@yahoo.com
Today I will give the would be interpreters some general idea about
different kinds of Job opportunities that may be available in the
field of Interpreting.
But you must realise that, to be considered for decent work in the
field you really need to pass the DPSI course.I am getting a lot of
querries from people who have done the Community Interpreting level 2
or level 3 course.While I appreciate your hard work and time spent
in completing those courses, you guys should also appreciate the fact
that the higher the qualification, the higher is the opportunity for
work and also the reward is higher.
It saddens me some times when I recieve an email from a would be
interpreter and I find lots of basic mistakes in grammar.I usually
point it out to them in my reply and some of them get very defensive
about it and want to start an arguement.Well I don't have time for
But just think about it for a moment. Imagine You went for an interview for
an accounting job.And you can't add two two digit numbers. What sort
of impression would that create with your potential employer?What
would be your chances of success at that interview?
Or you have gone for a job interview at a school.You are a history
teacher. And you do not know who was king Harold.Would you get that
job?Same thing applies in interpreting as well.
If you think it is an easy job, you are wrong.It's not easy and it's
not a matter of joke.An interpretr's mistake can cause a whole trial
to collapse with serious consequences.It has happened. I am not trying
to scare you off.Just warning you.If you want to enter the field, be
prepared.Be serious.
Just like the above example, wrong interpreting can cause wrong diagnosis
of a patient ; again with serious consequences.
OK, we have a clearer picture now about the preparation and attitude adjustment necessary to enter this interpreting profession.When you are well prepared, there can be lot of interesting openings for you. e.g. apart from usual court, hospital, police, solicitors bookings, I have visited prisons as an interpreter, have
worked with film production companies and worked with their directors in their offices,been to some places I think I shouldn't talk about and so on.
You can also get translation work and even Transcription . I have also been
asked to do voice over job.
Recently I came across a job advertisement by the Government of Hong Kong
for a Bengali Interpreter with a monthly salary of $38000 !Would be nice to get that job, wouldn't it? By the way, I saw it after the closing date, so couldn't even apply !
So are you intrigued ? I love hearing from you guys. So do not stop.Keep on sending the mails.
What about the existing interpreters? Wouldn't you guys like to share some of your experiences / stories ? there must be some interesting stories out there. I am still waiting for you guys to tell us those stories.
Saturday, 22 August 2009
Multilingual Tunisians !
I will keep today's post short.Just came back from Tunisia !It was wonderful !
Where shall I start ?Better not to start; otherwise it will be a real long
story.I will just mention that from the resort we went for the 'Sahara Explorer'
trip.Which was the highlight of the holiday.Saw a Roman Amphitheatre,Star War film
set, Cave houses ,Different types of deserts,oasis's and ofcourse travelled on camel through the Sahara !( Didn't cross it ofcourse, but had a good bit of camel ride and had great fun.)
Only thing I want to say is I was amazed at the linguistic ability of the Tunisian people.Lot of them speak 5/6 languages.Even the old guys driving the horse carraiges spoke French ! Made me feel really inadequate.
I have been writing on these pages for a couple of years now.So many of you have contacted me after reading the blogs.How about some of you writing something?Any one feeling courageous enough? Or still shy?Come on; have a go. it's NOT that bad !If I can do it, so can you !And I don't mean only Bengali Interpreters. Any of the readers are welcome.Just email me the article you want to publish and I will take care of it.You know my email, don't you ? It's mognichoudhury@yahoo.com
Are you looking for a qualified (DPSI)and reliable Bengali/SylhetiInterpreter?
An interpreter who is flexible in attitude,punctual,Professional in conduct,ethical and well experienced in different kinds of interpreting fileds? An interpreter whose rates are also very reasonable and who is willing and able to travel to distant parts of the country for suitable interpreting assignments and at quite short notice ?Then contact me Mohammad Choudhury on 07832371577 or email me
mognichoudhury@yahoo.com If you scroll down and click on the oldest post, you can also look at my CV.Thank you. ( I am also on the national register. No. 13248)
Where shall I start ?Better not to start; otherwise it will be a real long
story.I will just mention that from the resort we went for the 'Sahara Explorer'
trip.Which was the highlight of the holiday.Saw a Roman Amphitheatre,Star War film
set, Cave houses ,Different types of deserts,oasis's and ofcourse travelled on camel through the Sahara !( Didn't cross it ofcourse, but had a good bit of camel ride and had great fun.)
Only thing I want to say is I was amazed at the linguistic ability of the Tunisian people.Lot of them speak 5/6 languages.Even the old guys driving the horse carraiges spoke French ! Made me feel really inadequate.
I have been writing on these pages for a couple of years now.So many of you have contacted me after reading the blogs.How about some of you writing something?Any one feeling courageous enough? Or still shy?Come on; have a go. it's NOT that bad !If I can do it, so can you !And I don't mean only Bengali Interpreters. Any of the readers are welcome.Just email me the article you want to publish and I will take care of it.You know my email, don't you ? It's mognichoudhury@yahoo.com
Are you looking for a qualified (DPSI)and reliable Bengali/SylhetiInterpreter?
An interpreter who is flexible in attitude,punctual,Professional in conduct,ethical and well experienced in different kinds of interpreting fileds? An interpreter whose rates are also very reasonable and who is willing and able to travel to distant parts of the country for suitable interpreting assignments and at quite short notice ?Then contact me Mohammad Choudhury on 07832371577 or email me
mognichoudhury@yahoo.com If you scroll down and click on the oldest post, you can also look at my CV.Thank you. ( I am also on the national register. No. 13248)
Saturday, 1 August 2009
Recent Updates
Today, first of all I want to thank Helen for taking the time and effort
to make a very helpful and very important comment on this blog after my
last post.
I am sorry Helen to take so long to even acknowledge your contribution !
Yes, any interpreter would do well to follow your advice.And yes, I do the
Interpreting is a very interesting profession because you get to meet so many
different kinds of people and get to hear so many different stories.May be one
day I can write a book based on these real life stories.( without identifying
anyone ofcourse ! )
Looking at the visitor number on my profiles I can see that lot of people are
visiting these pages and some have been good enough to contact me asking for help
and advice. As I mentioned before, I do not mind hearing from you guys at all.
And I am always willing to guide you in the right direction and help you in any
other way possible for me.If you have just come across these pages I urge you to scroll down and read the older posts. You would get lot of useful information and get to know about different aspects of Interpreting profession.Some would be very interesting, exciting, glamourous even; some would be mundane.But it is very rewarding !
Just to give you an idea -in the last month alone I have been to a prison in oxfordshire ( interpreting ofcourse; not serving time ! ), very far corner of Hampshire in a police station, Social services' meeting in Essex, a Crown court in London, Magistrates' court in Hertfordshire, Northampton, Family courts in London and Bedfordshire, Detention centre, Assisting Immigration officers with Asylum seekers,Doctor's surgeries, solicitor's office and other places.I have also done some transcription work.I have also been approached for some voice over job.You wouldn't normally get this type of experience in a normal 9 to 5 job, would you ?
I have again been approached by an interpreting organisation to recommend some Female interpretrs.So if you are a female reading this blog and you have just done your DPSI or any other interpreting course, and you want to get in touch with this organisation, get in touch. My email is mognichoudhury@yahoo.com and mobile is 07832371577.
That's all for today. See you later.
Are you looking for a DPSI qualified and well experienced Bengali/ Sylheti Interpreter ? You want an interpreter whose charges are very reasonable, who is willing and able to travel to other parts of the country, flexible in attitude, available at short notice and experienced in different fields like court interpreting, police work, social services' meetings and conferences etc; then contact me on 07832371577 or email me at mognichoudhury@yhaoo.com
I am also on the NRPSI register ( Reg. No. 13248).
I also do translation and transcription work.My name is Mohammad Mogni Choudhury
to make a very helpful and very important comment on this blog after my
last post.
I am sorry Helen to take so long to even acknowledge your contribution !
Yes, any interpreter would do well to follow your advice.And yes, I do the
Interpreting is a very interesting profession because you get to meet so many
different kinds of people and get to hear so many different stories.May be one
day I can write a book based on these real life stories.( without identifying
anyone ofcourse ! )
Looking at the visitor number on my profiles I can see that lot of people are
visiting these pages and some have been good enough to contact me asking for help
and advice. As I mentioned before, I do not mind hearing from you guys at all.
And I am always willing to guide you in the right direction and help you in any
other way possible for me.If you have just come across these pages I urge you to scroll down and read the older posts. You would get lot of useful information and get to know about different aspects of Interpreting profession.Some would be very interesting, exciting, glamourous even; some would be mundane.But it is very rewarding !
Just to give you an idea -in the last month alone I have been to a prison in oxfordshire ( interpreting ofcourse; not serving time ! ), very far corner of Hampshire in a police station, Social services' meeting in Essex, a Crown court in London, Magistrates' court in Hertfordshire, Northampton, Family courts in London and Bedfordshire, Detention centre, Assisting Immigration officers with Asylum seekers,Doctor's surgeries, solicitor's office and other places.I have also done some transcription work.I have also been approached for some voice over job.You wouldn't normally get this type of experience in a normal 9 to 5 job, would you ?
I have again been approached by an interpreting organisation to recommend some Female interpretrs.So if you are a female reading this blog and you have just done your DPSI or any other interpreting course, and you want to get in touch with this organisation, get in touch. My email is mognichoudhury@yahoo.com and mobile is 07832371577.
That's all for today. See you later.
Are you looking for a DPSI qualified and well experienced Bengali/ Sylheti Interpreter ? You want an interpreter whose charges are very reasonable, who is willing and able to travel to other parts of the country, flexible in attitude, available at short notice and experienced in different fields like court interpreting, police work, social services' meetings and conferences etc; then contact me on 07832371577 or email me at mognichoudhury@yhaoo.com
I am also on the NRPSI register ( Reg. No. 13248).
I also do translation and transcription work.My name is Mohammad Mogni Choudhury
Friday, 5 June 2009
Challenges Faced By Bengali Interpreters
Today I am going to mention some of the technical challenges faced by Bengali Interpreters in the course of carrying out their jobs.And this probably applies to other language interpreters as well.
One of the most annoying things I have faced is that if a person understands some
English, then what they do is they pick up on those one or two words they understood and think that they have understood the whole sentence.And start giving their response based on that understanding without waiting for the interpreter to interprete.
Makes you wonder, doesn't it ? What they fail to realise is the reason the Interpreter has been called is to remove any scope of misunderstanding from all the parties involved.Most people understand few words of English or other languages foreign to them.But that does not make them the speaker of that language.Like I know few words of Arabic,Polish,Italian and Chinese.But my expertise on those languages is just that; few words. I would not consider myself a speaker of any of those languages.certainly I would not give my response after listening to a sentence and just recognising one or two words and assume that I had understood the whole sentence.But there you go. Some people are like that !
Also its very annoying when they start talking while you are talking.They don't want to listen ! It is in their own interest to listen to what the other party has just said. But some people couldn't give a damn about that. They just can not tell enough of their side of the story! They don't want to wait their turn!So what do you do then ?
I am putting it to you 'Would be Interpreters' . Give me your answer.Tell me how you would handle those sort of things.
Are you looking for a Professional Bengali / Sylheti Interpreter with wide experience of interpreting in different fields? A qualified interpreter with very reasonable rates? Some one flexible and available at very short notice? An Interpreter willing and able to travel to other parts of the country for Interpreting assignments ? Then contact me, Mohammad Choudhury either on my mobile 07832371577 or email me at mognichoudhury@yahoo.com
I am based in Northwest London but I have worked as far way as Cardiff, Portsmouth, Southampton, Bedford, Milton Keynes, Reading and various other places.If you scroll down to the older posts, you can find my CV there.
One of the most annoying things I have faced is that if a person understands some
English, then what they do is they pick up on those one or two words they understood and think that they have understood the whole sentence.And start giving their response based on that understanding without waiting for the interpreter to interprete.
Makes you wonder, doesn't it ? What they fail to realise is the reason the Interpreter has been called is to remove any scope of misunderstanding from all the parties involved.Most people understand few words of English or other languages foreign to them.But that does not make them the speaker of that language.Like I know few words of Arabic,Polish,Italian and Chinese.But my expertise on those languages is just that; few words. I would not consider myself a speaker of any of those languages.certainly I would not give my response after listening to a sentence and just recognising one or two words and assume that I had understood the whole sentence.But there you go. Some people are like that !
Also its very annoying when they start talking while you are talking.They don't want to listen ! It is in their own interest to listen to what the other party has just said. But some people couldn't give a damn about that. They just can not tell enough of their side of the story! They don't want to wait their turn!So what do you do then ?
I am putting it to you 'Would be Interpreters' . Give me your answer.Tell me how you would handle those sort of things.
Are you looking for a Professional Bengali / Sylheti Interpreter with wide experience of interpreting in different fields? A qualified interpreter with very reasonable rates? Some one flexible and available at very short notice? An Interpreter willing and able to travel to other parts of the country for Interpreting assignments ? Then contact me, Mohammad Choudhury either on my mobile 07832371577 or email me at mognichoudhury@yahoo.com
I am based in Northwest London but I have worked as far way as Cardiff, Portsmouth, Southampton, Bedford, Milton Keynes, Reading and various other places.If you scroll down to the older posts, you can find my CV there.
Saturday, 16 May 2009
Controversy About Bengali Language
OK; here we go.As soon as I mentioned Bengali being the fourth most spoken language,
the controversy starts.( see the comment on the previous post).
But I always welcome controversy and fair criticism.And ofcourse if I make a mistake, that should be correceted.I am not afraid to admit my mistake and apologise if I say something wrong.
Also the person making the comment seems to have personal experience of some behaviour pattern of the Bengalis.Fair enough.They also seem to care enough about the Bengali people to mention what they mentioned.
I thank you for your comment and welcome you and expect you to contribute more in future.
But you do not actually mention how the statistics you found on Wikipedia varies to what I mentioned.Please tell us what it is and please tell us what is Bangla's real position in the league table.I am willing to accept the fact and mention it here if that's genuine.
Though Bangla is my mother tongue, I am not a fanatic or emotionally so attached to it that I would get in to a fight over it.
If Bangla's real position is 154th in the league table of world languages, I am willing to publish that fact on these very pages.No problem. I agree that Russian is a great language and in my school days I had the good fortune of reading some Russian literature( translated in to Bengali ofcourse; I can't read or speak Russian). I have great respect for the Russian people and their history and culture.There have been so many great scientists, Music composers,and writers from Russia that is really admirable !
I also accept what you mention about Bengalis speaking English amongst themselves.But if you look at it the other way, you should admire Bengalis for being able to speak other languages.It's a great skill to be multilingual, isn't it?Like the English have realised recently that they are not good with foreign languages where as the Europeans are.Lot of the Europeans (e.g. the Dutch and the Swedish ) speak more than one language. Some of them speak four.Its a great ability to be able to communicate with others in their own language.Like you yourself have the advantage over me in the sense that you can speak my language but I can't speak yours.Have you not got the edge over me there ?
Enough said about that. Now today I actually want to mention something else to the readers of this blog.Lot of the readers contact me asking me how to get in to interpreting profession.But really they are looking for a way to earn some extra money. keeping that in mind I want to mention how you can earn some money without any risk and just for treating yourself. Like doing online shopping ... things you would be spending money on anyway.Like renewing your car insurance and other day to day shopping.joining is free and you can also refer your friends and relatives and all of you can enjoy the benefits.To find out click at the link below.

On the other hand if you are an interpreting agency or a Solicitor or other kind of Professional and looking for a Bengali or Sylheti Interpreter, you can contact me.
My rates are very competitive, I am properly qualified ( I hold DPSI), I am on the NRPSI register and I have got lots of experience in Interpreting, Translation and transcription work.I am based in North West London and can get to most places in the South East fairly quickly and at short notice. I have worked as far as Cardiff, Norwich, Portsmouth,Bedford, Milton keynes etc.
My mobile no. is 07832371577 and email is mognichoudhury@yahoo.com
the controversy starts.( see the comment on the previous post).
But I always welcome controversy and fair criticism.And ofcourse if I make a mistake, that should be correceted.I am not afraid to admit my mistake and apologise if I say something wrong.
Also the person making the comment seems to have personal experience of some behaviour pattern of the Bengalis.Fair enough.They also seem to care enough about the Bengali people to mention what they mentioned.
I thank you for your comment and welcome you and expect you to contribute more in future.
But you do not actually mention how the statistics you found on Wikipedia varies to what I mentioned.Please tell us what it is and please tell us what is Bangla's real position in the league table.I am willing to accept the fact and mention it here if that's genuine.
Though Bangla is my mother tongue, I am not a fanatic or emotionally so attached to it that I would get in to a fight over it.
If Bangla's real position is 154th in the league table of world languages, I am willing to publish that fact on these very pages.No problem. I agree that Russian is a great language and in my school days I had the good fortune of reading some Russian literature( translated in to Bengali ofcourse; I can't read or speak Russian). I have great respect for the Russian people and their history and culture.There have been so many great scientists, Music composers,and writers from Russia that is really admirable !
I also accept what you mention about Bengalis speaking English amongst themselves.But if you look at it the other way, you should admire Bengalis for being able to speak other languages.It's a great skill to be multilingual, isn't it?Like the English have realised recently that they are not good with foreign languages where as the Europeans are.Lot of the Europeans (e.g. the Dutch and the Swedish ) speak more than one language. Some of them speak four.Its a great ability to be able to communicate with others in their own language.Like you yourself have the advantage over me in the sense that you can speak my language but I can't speak yours.Have you not got the edge over me there ?
Enough said about that. Now today I actually want to mention something else to the readers of this blog.Lot of the readers contact me asking me how to get in to interpreting profession.But really they are looking for a way to earn some extra money. keeping that in mind I want to mention how you can earn some money without any risk and just for treating yourself. Like doing online shopping ... things you would be spending money on anyway.Like renewing your car insurance and other day to day shopping.joining is free and you can also refer your friends and relatives and all of you can enjoy the benefits.To find out click at the link below.
On the other hand if you are an interpreting agency or a Solicitor or other kind of Professional and looking for a Bengali or Sylheti Interpreter, you can contact me.
My rates are very competitive, I am properly qualified ( I hold DPSI), I am on the NRPSI register and I have got lots of experience in Interpreting, Translation and transcription work.I am based in North West London and can get to most places in the South East fairly quickly and at short notice. I have worked as far as Cardiff, Norwich, Portsmouth,Bedford, Milton keynes etc.
My mobile no. is 07832371577 and email is mognichoudhury@yahoo.com
Sunday, 3 May 2009
Interesting Observations about Bengali language
Today instead of talking about Interpreting, I want to talk about Bengali
language.Based on the number of people who speak Bengali, it is the 4th
most spoken language in the world.( After Chinese,Spanish and English and in
that order !) Because apart from Bangladesh and West Bengal they also speak Benagli in the Indian states of Assam and Tripura.More than 200 million people in the world speak this language.Yes, that's right.More people speak Bengali than they do in Arabic, Japanese, Russian or German or French.Fascinating, isn't it ? This might come as a shock to you whether you are a Bengali or non Bengali. But it's true.
Also I think Bengali is the number one foreign language in the UK.( i.e. by the number of people who speak the language).Though more people of Indian or Pakistani origin may live in the UK, there would be different language speakers within those communities.(e.g. Urdu, Hindi, Punjabi, Gujrati etc).
Another interesting fact may be in the number of publications in a foreign language in the UK.Again I think Bengali would beat any other foreign language in this.There are nearly a dozen of weekly and monthly magazines and periodicals published in Bengali in the UK.I doubt whether there would be as many publications in either Urdu or Arabic or Chinese or Spanish or French in the UK.I have not done a proper research, but this is an educated guess.If I am wrong, I am willing to admit my mistake.
Same goes for India.i.e. number of publications of Books, newspapers, magazines etc. in Bengali outnumbers the publications in any other language of India.
Also you can see the domination of Bengalis in the Bolywood film industry.Again more people of Bengali origin have been successful as Actors/Actresses, Singers,music directors etc. than any other 'ethnic'group.
I am saying all these to massage my own ego or to boast about Bengalis. Just mentioning these as interesting observations.Because while the above observations might seem interesting or even 'impressive',we Bengalis have lots of failings too.
Another interesting thing happening here in the UK right before our own eyes is an evolutionary process.Let me expalin.Most people of Bangladeshi origin in the UK are from the greater Sylhet area of Bangladesh.So they speak the Sylheti dialect of Bangla. Now the second and third generation of these migrants are growing up without most of them learning the 'Standard' Bangla.i.e the official form of Bengali.So what happens is this: there are about 5 Bengali language TV channels in the UK broadcasting in Bengali but most of these second and third generation Bengalis do not fully understand the programmes ( News, soaps, discussions).Interesting isn't it? What should one do to rectify the situation ? Some have even expressed their opinion to say that as the first generation of migrants die out, the language would die with them.If that happens , that would be really sad wouldn't it ?
There were/ are Bengali schools to teach children the language, but I don't think enough parents or children are interested .I would love to know the reaction of my readers about this.There could be scope for some academic research in this field too.
Before finishing I would like to welcome the first follower of my blog. I would like to tell my readers about you.But I think its best to ask you first.Should I tell the others or do you want to stay anonymous for now?
The other thing I want to say is the feedback i get from other readers is that a lot of you want to get involved in interpreting on a temporary or short term basis like while studying for a degree or looking for a more permanent job. Basically looking for an income.
So if you are just looking for an opportunity to earn money rather than becoming a professional interpreter, some of the other opportunities mught interest you.So keeping that in mind I have done some research and recommend the following.: Just click below to find out.
Click Here!
If you are looking for a Bengali / Sylheti Interpreter with proper qualifcation(DPSI),experience in different fields( courts, Prisons, Police stations, Hospitals, Airports etc) then contact me .
My email is mognichoudhury@yahoo.com and my mobile no. is 07832371577. My rates are very competetive.I am based in North West London. I can drive and get to most places at short notice.
language.Based on the number of people who speak Bengali, it is the 4th
most spoken language in the world.( After Chinese,Spanish and English and in
that order !) Because apart from Bangladesh and West Bengal they also speak Benagli in the Indian states of Assam and Tripura.More than 200 million people in the world speak this language.Yes, that's right.More people speak Bengali than they do in Arabic, Japanese, Russian or German or French.Fascinating, isn't it ? This might come as a shock to you whether you are a Bengali or non Bengali. But it's true.
Also I think Bengali is the number one foreign language in the UK.( i.e. by the number of people who speak the language).Though more people of Indian or Pakistani origin may live in the UK, there would be different language speakers within those communities.(e.g. Urdu, Hindi, Punjabi, Gujrati etc).
Another interesting fact may be in the number of publications in a foreign language in the UK.Again I think Bengali would beat any other foreign language in this.There are nearly a dozen of weekly and monthly magazines and periodicals published in Bengali in the UK.I doubt whether there would be as many publications in either Urdu or Arabic or Chinese or Spanish or French in the UK.I have not done a proper research, but this is an educated guess.If I am wrong, I am willing to admit my mistake.
Same goes for India.i.e. number of publications of Books, newspapers, magazines etc. in Bengali outnumbers the publications in any other language of India.
Also you can see the domination of Bengalis in the Bolywood film industry.Again more people of Bengali origin have been successful as Actors/Actresses, Singers,music directors etc. than any other 'ethnic'group.
I am saying all these to massage my own ego or to boast about Bengalis. Just mentioning these as interesting observations.Because while the above observations might seem interesting or even 'impressive',we Bengalis have lots of failings too.
Another interesting thing happening here in the UK right before our own eyes is an evolutionary process.Let me expalin.Most people of Bangladeshi origin in the UK are from the greater Sylhet area of Bangladesh.So they speak the Sylheti dialect of Bangla. Now the second and third generation of these migrants are growing up without most of them learning the 'Standard' Bangla.i.e the official form of Bengali.So what happens is this: there are about 5 Bengali language TV channels in the UK broadcasting in Bengali but most of these second and third generation Bengalis do not fully understand the programmes ( News, soaps, discussions).Interesting isn't it? What should one do to rectify the situation ? Some have even expressed their opinion to say that as the first generation of migrants die out, the language would die with them.If that happens , that would be really sad wouldn't it ?
There were/ are Bengali schools to teach children the language, but I don't think enough parents or children are interested .I would love to know the reaction of my readers about this.There could be scope for some academic research in this field too.
Before finishing I would like to welcome the first follower of my blog. I would like to tell my readers about you.But I think its best to ask you first.Should I tell the others or do you want to stay anonymous for now?
The other thing I want to say is the feedback i get from other readers is that a lot of you want to get involved in interpreting on a temporary or short term basis like while studying for a degree or looking for a more permanent job. Basically looking for an income.
So if you are just looking for an opportunity to earn money rather than becoming a professional interpreter, some of the other opportunities mught interest you.So keeping that in mind I have done some research and recommend the following.: Just click below to find out.
Click Here!
If you are looking for a Bengali / Sylheti Interpreter with proper qualifcation(DPSI),experience in different fields( courts, Prisons, Police stations, Hospitals, Airports etc) then contact me .
My email is mognichoudhury@yahoo.com and my mobile no. is 07832371577. My rates are very competetive.I am based in North West London. I can drive and get to most places at short notice.
Friday, 10 April 2009
More Tips For Bengali / Sylheti Interpreters
O.K.you want to work as an Interpreter for Bengali/Sylheti speaking people.
You are good at both English and Bengali/Sylheti.You also have some interpreting
qualification and may be even you have done it informally in the past. (like helping a relative or an associate at the doctor's surgery or someother place.)
But to work as a professional interpreter you need some qualities on top of your language skills or qualifications.And you have to adhere to them all the time.
The first principle is you have to interprete everything.You do not decide what is important and what isn't.You don't add anything or omit anything.Whatever either language speaker is saying, you translate it to the other language speaker.Doesn't matter if it is offensive,embarassing, filthy or a swear word.
It is your role as an interpreter to interprete everything and right of the other parties to know what is being said.You can not take any side.You have to be impartial.You can not have a personal conversation with either party during the interpreting session.Your role is not that of an adviser.So do not give advice of any sort.That would be totally unprofessional and unethical and you could also be creating problem for yourself for the future.If you can stick to these few principles I mentioned above, you would go a long way to become a good interpreter.Oh one other very important thing. Confidentiality !
As an interpreter you would get to know a lot of personal/ private information about different people.You are bound by your professional ethics to keep all that information confidential. You must not divulge any of that to third parties.And that includes your friends and family.
Similarly for the sake of impartiality, you should not interprete for any family member or a friend or any body known to you.If you are given an interpreting assignment and after getting there you find that either of the parties involved is known to you, you must disclose that and let the authorities decide whether you should proceed with the assignment or not.( my persoanl opinion would be not to).I might have mentioned some of these before; but there is no harm in repeating them.These are very important.
I suggest you read my older posts as well to get more inforamtion.You would pick up bits of helpful inforamtions from each post and taht way would be able to build an overall picture.If you still want to have a personal chat, I am quite open and willing to have a chat. My mobile no. is 07832371577 and my email is
It is better to email me giving me some of your background information.Based on that I can guide you to the right direction.
If you are an Interpreting / Translation agency or you need a Bengali/ Sylheti Interpreter/ Translator , you have come to the right place.You can contact me on my mobile or email as mentioned above.I have worked as an Interpreter in Courts, Police stations, Doctors'surgeries, Airports(for immigration officers), for social services', for solicitors ( at their offices and accompanied them to prison visits)for film makers etc. I also do Translation and Transcription work.
You are good at both English and Bengali/Sylheti.You also have some interpreting
qualification and may be even you have done it informally in the past. (like helping a relative or an associate at the doctor's surgery or someother place.)
But to work as a professional interpreter you need some qualities on top of your language skills or qualifications.And you have to adhere to them all the time.
The first principle is you have to interprete everything.You do not decide what is important and what isn't.You don't add anything or omit anything.Whatever either language speaker is saying, you translate it to the other language speaker.Doesn't matter if it is offensive,embarassing, filthy or a swear word.
It is your role as an interpreter to interprete everything and right of the other parties to know what is being said.You can not take any side.You have to be impartial.You can not have a personal conversation with either party during the interpreting session.Your role is not that of an adviser.So do not give advice of any sort.That would be totally unprofessional and unethical and you could also be creating problem for yourself for the future.If you can stick to these few principles I mentioned above, you would go a long way to become a good interpreter.Oh one other very important thing. Confidentiality !
As an interpreter you would get to know a lot of personal/ private information about different people.You are bound by your professional ethics to keep all that information confidential. You must not divulge any of that to third parties.And that includes your friends and family.
Similarly for the sake of impartiality, you should not interprete for any family member or a friend or any body known to you.If you are given an interpreting assignment and after getting there you find that either of the parties involved is known to you, you must disclose that and let the authorities decide whether you should proceed with the assignment or not.( my persoanl opinion would be not to).I might have mentioned some of these before; but there is no harm in repeating them.These are very important.
I suggest you read my older posts as well to get more inforamtion.You would pick up bits of helpful inforamtions from each post and taht way would be able to build an overall picture.If you still want to have a personal chat, I am quite open and willing to have a chat. My mobile no. is 07832371577 and my email is
It is better to email me giving me some of your background information.Based on that I can guide you to the right direction.
If you are an Interpreting / Translation agency or you need a Bengali/ Sylheti Interpreter/ Translator , you have come to the right place.You can contact me on my mobile or email as mentioned above.I have worked as an Interpreter in Courts, Police stations, Doctors'surgeries, Airports(for immigration officers), for social services', for solicitors ( at their offices and accompanied them to prison visits)for film makers etc. I also do Translation and Transcription work.
Sunday, 5 April 2009
How To Become an Interpreter

I get a lot of querries from would be Interpreters about the
basic things.i.e. How do you become an Interpreter ? Where do
you start ? What are the requirements ?
So let me answer some of the basic questions about becoming an
interpreter today.
O.K; you can start by doing short courses in community interpreting.
But I think that is a roundabout way of doing it.Because if you start
that way, it would take you a long time to become an Interpreter who
would be able to work at any level of interpreting field.Let me expalin:
You can not get on the NRPSI(National Register of public service
Interpreters)register if you do not have a DPSI(Diploma in Public service
Interpreting)or a language degree and some other requirements.
Community Interpreting qualification is lower level than the DPSI.
DPSI is an NVQ level 4 qualification. Right, now if you are not on the
NRPSI register, you can not expect to get calls from the law courts or
police forces.So already your market is smaller and so your earning ability
is also less.That's why I think it is better to go for the DPSI course first
rather than doing it in satges.Yes, it is harder and would take longer to begin with but once it's done, it's done.Also if you are coming into the field of interpreting, you should be confident enough to do it.
Another thing.Do not expect the teacher/s to teach you the languages.You should already be good in both languages.The course would teach you Interpreting skills, not the language/s.And it may sound silly; but let me get it clear anyway.
You must be able to read and write both the languages.Yes, unless you can do that , you can not expect to become an interpreter.Simple as that.But that's no reason not to do it.Learn what you have to learn before starting the course if you are really keen to become an Interpreter.
OK; that's basically it. In a future post I will talk about other skills and qualities you would need to be a good and successful Interpreter.
You can contact me by email at : mognichoudhury@yahoo.com or my mobile on 07832371577
My Name is Mohammad Mogni Choudhury.If you are looking for an experienced and qualified Bengali/ Sylheti Interpreter for court interpreting, prison visits , Solicitors' office, Hospital, Doctor's surgery,Probation Service or any other Interpreting or Translation work, please feel free to contact me .
Sunday, 22 February 2009
Glamourous side of Interpreting Profession
In the last blog I mentioned one disadvantage of being an Interpreter.
So on this post I am going to mention some positive aspects of the interpreting
profession.I am sure all of you would be intrigued by this.
Last year a Film Production company approached me ( they made a Film on Global
Warming and it was filmed in Bangladesh).In the Film there were some interviews
with the local Bangladeshis.They were non English speakers.So the Director wanted
me to go to their offices and sit down and watch the clips and translate it for them. can you think of any more Glamourous job than that ? Has this tickled your
imagination? I hope it has. I certainly found it very interesting and satisfying!
Interestingly enough, few weeks later a foreign student approached me for a similar project. That student chose to go to Bangladesh for their Post graduate research and guess what ? Made a Film ! Again, I had to provide the interpreting service for the interviews on the Film.But this time, it was at the IT Resources room/ Laboratory
of the University rather than the offices of the Film Director where I did the Translation.
Continuing on the same theme, only last week I was approached by some body to translate some film clips for an Aid Agency.Unfortunately though, this time, I could not take up the offer. I was too busy ! Can you imagine ? Some of you probably would have killed to get such an opportunity!I am sorry , I don't say this to brag or to demean you, but only pointing out the interesting possibilities that you could come across in this Field. And I may be wrong; may be some of you would not be as thrilled as myself to get this kind of opportunities.
I think I better finish here today.I will talk about other interesting aspects of Interpreting profession in the future posts.Bye for now.See you later.
So on this post I am going to mention some positive aspects of the interpreting
profession.I am sure all of you would be intrigued by this.
Last year a Film Production company approached me ( they made a Film on Global
Warming and it was filmed in Bangladesh).In the Film there were some interviews
with the local Bangladeshis.They were non English speakers.So the Director wanted
me to go to their offices and sit down and watch the clips and translate it for them. can you think of any more Glamourous job than that ? Has this tickled your
imagination? I hope it has. I certainly found it very interesting and satisfying!
Interestingly enough, few weeks later a foreign student approached me for a similar project. That student chose to go to Bangladesh for their Post graduate research and guess what ? Made a Film ! Again, I had to provide the interpreting service for the interviews on the Film.But this time, it was at the IT Resources room/ Laboratory
of the University rather than the offices of the Film Director where I did the Translation.
Continuing on the same theme, only last week I was approached by some body to translate some film clips for an Aid Agency.Unfortunately though, this time, I could not take up the offer. I was too busy ! Can you imagine ? Some of you probably would have killed to get such an opportunity!I am sorry , I don't say this to brag or to demean you, but only pointing out the interesting possibilities that you could come across in this Field. And I may be wrong; may be some of you would not be as thrilled as myself to get this kind of opportunities.
I think I better finish here today.I will talk about other interesting aspects of Interpreting profession in the future posts.Bye for now.See you later.
Friday, 13 February 2009
Ordeal of an Interpreter !
O.K; last time I promised to tell you few things about my experience
of working in the community.I will just mention some of the lighter
things rather than going in to any serious stuff.
I hope you would get some amusement and entertainment at my expense.
May be you can give me some tips on how to avoid this kind of suffering.
Alright, what I want to mention first of all is having to work closely
with people having bad breath ! As interpreter you have to be in close
proximity of the people using your services.You need to be quite close
to them to be able to listen to them and also to speak to them. So there
is no escape for the poor interpreter ! You need to endure this experience
for as long as necessary !Having arrived at the venue and after starting
your assignment you can hardly leave ! How do you tell somebody you have just
met that their breath smell without being rude ?
And don't worry, I don't just mean that its just people from our
community suffer from this embarrassing problem. Some of the English
speakers I have worked with also suffer from it.
But I think it is worse in our community because a lot of people in our
community has the habit of chewing Paan and Betel Nuts( and smoking).And I find that
that also gives out some unpleasant smell.Ofcourse people who chew Paan
would disagree with me.But what do you think ?
of working in the community.I will just mention some of the lighter
things rather than going in to any serious stuff.
I hope you would get some amusement and entertainment at my expense.
May be you can give me some tips on how to avoid this kind of suffering.
Alright, what I want to mention first of all is having to work closely
with people having bad breath ! As interpreter you have to be in close
proximity of the people using your services.You need to be quite close
to them to be able to listen to them and also to speak to them. So there
is no escape for the poor interpreter ! You need to endure this experience
for as long as necessary !Having arrived at the venue and after starting
your assignment you can hardly leave ! How do you tell somebody you have just
met that their breath smell without being rude ?
And don't worry, I don't just mean that its just people from our
community suffer from this embarrassing problem. Some of the English
speakers I have worked with also suffer from it.
But I think it is worse in our community because a lot of people in our
community has the habit of chewing Paan and Betel Nuts( and smoking).And I find that
that also gives out some unpleasant smell.Ofcourse people who chew Paan
would disagree with me.But what do you think ?
Monday, 2 February 2009
Bengali / Sylheti Interpreters
Well, it's been a while since I added something on this blog.
Now that I have some time on my hand today ( as it has been the
heaviest snowfall in London for as long as I can remember),I feel
compelled to write something.
Yes, I started this blog so that Bengali/Sylheti interpreters or
any language interpreters for that matter could help each other,
give tips to each other or just have a common forum for interpreters
or would be interpreters.
well, I am glad that I started this.Because through this I have got
to know few people and I have been able to offer help (albeit not much)
to some readers of this blog.
It's interesting because people from as far as the USA have contacted me
regarding Bengali Interpreting jobs after coming across this blog.
Some agencies also have contacted me after reading my blog.So, overall
it's been a good experience for me.
sometimes I can be a bit radical in my views and I have expressed some
strong views in the past.But I do not do that to hurt anyone's feelings.
I just do that in good humour.So I hope my readers would see those comments
in that light.
And yes, it's always a pleasure to hear from somebody who has read the posts.I love getting your phone calls and emails.So don't be shy, if you come across this blog and like it (or even dislike it), or you feel that I could help you in any way
for your interpreting career,do get in touch.
I have done some interpreting at the GP surgeries recently.It has been an interesting experience ! I will write about some of those experiences in the next post.(ofcourse maintaining confidentiality; I won't name any names or disclose anybody's personal details; that would be against the ethics of Interpreters.)so keep checking this blog regularly ! I have also posted a couple of other blogs. If you click on the link that says 'view my complete profile' you will find them.Why don't you check them as well? I think you will like them.
Now that I have some time on my hand today ( as it has been the
heaviest snowfall in London for as long as I can remember),I feel
compelled to write something.
Yes, I started this blog so that Bengali/Sylheti interpreters or
any language interpreters for that matter could help each other,
give tips to each other or just have a common forum for interpreters
or would be interpreters.
well, I am glad that I started this.Because through this I have got
to know few people and I have been able to offer help (albeit not much)
to some readers of this blog.
It's interesting because people from as far as the USA have contacted me
regarding Bengali Interpreting jobs after coming across this blog.
Some agencies also have contacted me after reading my blog.So, overall
it's been a good experience for me.
sometimes I can be a bit radical in my views and I have expressed some
strong views in the past.But I do not do that to hurt anyone's feelings.
I just do that in good humour.So I hope my readers would see those comments
in that light.
And yes, it's always a pleasure to hear from somebody who has read the posts.I love getting your phone calls and emails.So don't be shy, if you come across this blog and like it (or even dislike it), or you feel that I could help you in any way
for your interpreting career,do get in touch.
I have done some interpreting at the GP surgeries recently.It has been an interesting experience ! I will write about some of those experiences in the next post.(ofcourse maintaining confidentiality; I won't name any names or disclose anybody's personal details; that would be against the ethics of Interpreters.)so keep checking this blog regularly ! I have also posted a couple of other blogs. If you click on the link that says 'view my complete profile' you will find them.Why don't you check them as well? I think you will like them.
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